Friday, January 22, 2010

Glandular Fever What Does It Affect Can Glandular Fever Affect Other Body Organs?

Can glandular fever affect other body organs? - glandular fever what does it affect

Virus.Since My daughter had glandular fever, she had recurrent please painThe doctorsare causes a loss of this pains.People medical knowledge.


... said...

I caught the fever gladular 4 years ago, and I had problems for almost 3 years when she has chronic fatigue deepens.

I had symptoms of abdominal pain or pain, weakness, muscle pain, headache, changes in temperature, etc., etc.

How long has your daughter?

What pain?
Abdominal pain Haute-May point to hepatitis B, I think you've reviewed it.

Ask them to test further.

If they are diagnosed with CFS in particular. I know people who had been ill for a long time and I learned that other treatable problems such as Lyme disease, thyroid problems, etc.

EDIT: In answer to your question, but - yes, the pain can be caused by the fever of g. ...

After 3-6 months of it, if you can diagnose
CFS / ME / Fibro.

Google for more and better sites.

Tell him to take it easy. Rest is very important for a good rest. Do not tell him to go.

Next toDoctors, you usually fire when they had a "diagnosis"

I hope she feels better soon.

Oh, and alcohol is a huge ninth.

And the diet has been found that make a difference in a large number of citizens.

casandra b said...

Yes, you may need a different document from what they say, if pain increases, you should call a doctor and see what recommed it and see what I say I'm sorry for your daughter, I could hope that the disease is well, tell me

casandra b said...

Yes, you may need a different document from what they say, if pain increases, you should call a doctor and see what recommed it and see what I say I'm sorry for your daughter, I could hope that the disease is well, tell me

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